Introducing G{Code}’s Changemakers: Olivia Davis

2 min readAug 2, 2021


In June 2021, the G{Code} team launched the third cohort of Intro to G{Code}, a 10-week program designed for young female and non binary folks of color to uncover interest and aptitude in tech within a supportive, inclusive, and safe environment. The Intro to G{Code} Change Makers have shown us their drive, adaptability, and innovativeness as well as their commitment to community and personal growth. We are beyond proud of our Change Makers who have just graduated from the program, and are thrilled to celebrate their achievements and share some of their stories.

Today, we celebrate Olivia Davis! Olivia is from North Carolina and we have loved her excitement and her embodiment of our mission! Read more about her journey below.

Why did you join G{Code}?

I wanted an introduction to coding and exposure to potential careers in tech that would be a best fit for my interests. The commitment to teaching minority women how to code was also important to me.

What is a favorite moment or memory from G{Code}?

The excitement of the first code we wrote and getting to see how it looked on the screen.

What have you learned about yourself or about coding? How has participating in G{Code} impacted how you see yourself and/or your future?

I’ve learned when it comes to coding its okay not to know everything and you will constantly have to utilize your resources when something isn’t working or you aren’t sure of something. Participating in G{Code} has impacted my future as I know there are so many pathways into tech and that I can code and learn quickly.

G{Code} is a visionary non-profit striving to empower Boston’s young women of color by providing them with housing, technical training, leadership development, internship placements, and a resilient and compassionate community to learn from and grow alongside. Many thanks to Bridgette Wallace, Rizel Bobb-Semple, Bailey Siber, and the rest of the G{Code} team and volunteers for making the Intro to G{Code} program a success!




Empowering Boston’s young women and non binary people of color via technical training, intentional community, and stable housing.